
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Love Traps

-from Paulo Coelho's blog:

The Caliph and his wife
     The Arab Caliph sent for his secretary:
     “Lock up my wife in the tower while I’m away,” he ordered.
     “But she loves Your Majesty!” 
     “And I love her,” answered the Caliph. “But I respect an old traditional prover b of ours that says "keep your dog thin and he will follow you; make him fat and he will bite you."
     The Caliph went off to war and returned six months later. On arriving, he called for his secretary and asked to see his wife. 
     “She has abandoned you,” was the secretary’s answer. “Your Majesty quoted a beautiful proverb before leaving but forgot another Arab saying that goes: "If your dog is tied up it will follow anybody that opens its cage". 

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