
Monday, October 26, 2009

Kaden's First Purchase

One of the things I want to teach Kaden is the value of money. I've been giving him a weekly allowance of 20php and he has been saving up and keeping his "monies" (as he calls it) in his Diego wallet. So for this trip I brought him to Toy Kingdom to pick his toy.

He had a difficult time choosing one toy within his budget.
But he was finally able to pick the Thomas train he wants for his growing collection, and paid for it himself. :)
So now, Kaden has to start saving again because he's back to square one, which is an empty wallet. Heheh!
He picked Emily.

I was so proud because he didn't even ask me to buy him more than one train even though I know he wanted them. Buti nalang his Uncle Rj bought him Lady the next day. So he's going home to Zamboanga with two new trains. Thanks Uncle Rj! :)

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