
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Only Thing Worst Than A Liar Is A BAD LIAR!

The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed but that he cannot believe anyone else.
Irish dramatist & socialist (1856 - 1950)

I absolutely detest liars! I hope they really end up in hell and rot there. Burn burn burn!!! I hope the flames of hell start consuming them pretty soon too. Some people are just so full of lies, and it's so pathetic. 
I wonder why some people even bother listening to the lying, loathsome person that she is. I wonder why some people even care. Everyone is a victim if the lies that she concocts. One day you too will be a victim. Everybody who's lived with her knows what kind of a liar she is and just doesn't bother wasting their time listening to her bunch of lying crap. If it's "bastos" to tell a liar off, then I am bastos. I hate being plastic as much as I hate being lied to. You can't go on telling lies about someone and expect them not to know. Who needs a liar in their lives anyway? Not me. 
She is a LIAR, and that is her curse. 
Yes, I told her what a BIG liar she is, and I told her to stay away! I'm mighty proud of myself. 

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