Our new little bundle of joy turned two weeks old today.
He is now 8.2 lbs, from 6.1 lbs. Glad he's growing fast!
I lost 20 lbs... but since I gained a total of 47 lbs during my pregnancy, I still have 27 more lbs to lose! Eek. It's not gonna be easy, that's for sure.
I went to the mall the other day, and two people I knew asked me when I'm due. [Okay, I get it, I still look pregnant.]
A few days after, I went with my husband to get his hair cut. Some stranger seated beside me, trying to be friendly asked me how far along I am. [I guess if its some consolation, at least I no longer look like I'm full-term].
Kuya Kaden got his head shaved...
and contracted a viral infection (it's unrelated, I know)
and then mommy and poor baby Chace ended up getting it too. :(
Daddy is getting to be an expert on babysitting.
Although sometimes, he confuses his role.
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